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Cheese Powder Taste Trial

A few days ago, I was wondering if there was some way to buy just the cheese powder from cheesy chip snacks. I did some internet searches. THIS seems promising. In the reviews, many people compare it to the cheese powder from a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese. So then I wondered: would the Kraft powder taste good by itself? Oddly enough, I don’t think I’ve ever tried it. So I popped open a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese and tasted it.

Since I had the package open, I cooked and ate it.

My judgment? The powder does taste cheesy, but it’s not as salty as the powder from the Ritz Chips or from cheese flavored crackers. It’s a little bland. Would adding salt make it better? Maybe. But for now I want to keep looking for some wonderfully salty cheese powder that I can eat just by itself.


  1. Lauren

    I always salt the water I cook my noodles in, so the finished result is a little saltier. (I add pepper, too. Super-gourmet macaroni for me, please.)

    That reminds me of a macaroni-and-cheese contest I read about a long time ago. Ladies came from all over to make their homemade recipes, and some guy placed third with a box of Kraft. His accompanying directions by his winning dish said something like, “Follow directions on the box. Add salt. Salt is important.” Here’s the article – he’s at the bottom: http://www.goodeatsfanpage.com/abfp/ABArticles/MacRecipes.htm##4

  2. anna

    Cheese? Cheese. CHEESE! 🙂

  3. anna


  4. anna


  5. anna


  6. Peggy

    Here’s my suggestion: Buy a box of Cheez-Its. Put them in the Ninja with a little coarse salt and blend until powder like. It could work.

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