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Create-A-Bed Murphy Bed: Final Product

I have finished the murphy bed! Woo hoo! Part of my difficulty in finishing was deciding on what cabinet hardware to use. Part of my difficulty was getting enough dang coats of paint on it. I guess I should have used primer. But it’s so pretty now. I decided to remove the door knockers from the “legs” of the bed. They were difficult to pull because the part that knocks is not attached. Instead, I just went with cabinet knobs. They can double as coat hangers or whatever. So I have two perfectly good door knockers if anyone wants them:
Barely used.

But never mind that! Here is the final product:
It looks like a wardrobe.

Besides the cabinet hardware, the final finishing touch was a little more trim down the middle to make the panels look more like doors. I think it came out really well.
I like it.

In the pictures, the knobs and handles look a little face-like, but in real life the effect is not as strong.
Maybe some day, it will be a kid's room and someone will paint a smile.

To see all the posts on this project, click “Murphy Bed” in the Categories list.


  1. Lauren

    Congratulations! It looks so good!!!

    It is astonishing how that trim down the middle really makes it look like a cabinet. I didn’t notice before that the ‘doors’ are made from two pieces of wood. I guess that would make sense since queen mattresses are wider than 4 feet.

    It’s just so cool. Take a celebratory nap on it!

  2. Kristi

    Way to go, Brad! I would never guess there was a bed in it.

  3. Peggy

    Excellent! Really excellent!!

    And I’m with Lauren….you need to get some use out of that bed you worked so hard on!

  4. Carol

    Why wait for some new family to have all the fun – paint that smile on NOW!

  5. Kris

    Brad, I saw this and thought of you: http://www.apartmenttherapy.com/double-murphy-bunk-bed-175927. Maybe to prepare for all the company you’re sure to get in Hawaii?

    • Brad

      Ha! Very cool! If Maui becomes permanent I’ll have to consider all options…

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