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Altered State

I collected some formal essays a week ago. I assign them in bits and pieces and give feedback as I go, so the kids did have some response from me earlier. But it has been weighing heavily on me that I haven’t gotten their final product returned to them.

Yesterday I went to school to grade them. It took me a long time to get started, but once I did, I was in an altered state of consciousness and was completely focused on the task. It was amazing! I worked on it until it was done. I didn’t get up or look at my phone even once.

I wonder if this is what is like to be a person who can just do work. I see them all the time… people who effortlessly do their work. They just sit down and focus on a thing until it’s done. How do they do it?


  1. Deborah

    Way to go, Brad! It’s good to get that weight off your shoulders.

  2. Lauren

    What!?! I am so amazed and proud! Woo-hoo!

  3. Carol

    Where is our friend Brad and what have you done with him? (Translation – way to go, buddy! Nicely done…)

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