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Signs of Selling

I signed my condo sales papers yesterday! I couldn’t do digital signing, so a notary came to me. We met in the lobby of the apartment complex here, and I signed a lot of papers. It wasn’t as many as I had to sign when I bought my condo in Maui. I think that’s because this transaction does not involve me getting a loan.

The notary really knew what she was doing. That was nice, because I could ask her what some of the papers were, and she could explain them to me. Plus, she gave me a free pen! Well, actually, it wasn’t free. One of the papers she had me sign said I was paying her $150. There sure are a lot of fees and payments when you sell a place…

The official closing date is July 28, so I still have a couple of weeks before everything is final, but the deal is all but done. Yay!


  1. Lauren

    Hooray! One more thing off the list! Congratulations!

    By the way, that lobby is gorgeous. I’d sit there all the time if I could.

  2. Debbie

    I’m catching up backwards here…………… What a huge life change for you and how exciting to get to start over! Some people would hate that but not Brad, he looks to throw the dice at any time!

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