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Ireland Day Ten

We wanted to do some shopping yesterday, since it was our last day in Ireland. I have been looking for plant pots for my orchids. Others had different things on their list.

It seemed like we’d have some luck if we went to Wexford. We had read about a street market, and about an art collective that had a shop. And maybe there would be other shops along the way…

The market was smaller than I expected, but fun to walk through and look at. I didn’t see my plant pots. Lloyd and Curt found some watercolor paintings they liked though.

The area around the market was cool. There were small streets that cars weren’t allowed on. They were lined with stores. It reminded me of my time in Barcelona.

One of the stores we went into was full of junk and/or antiques. It was super cool.

Even the non-store streets were cool. Look at the different-colored builings!

And of course there was a big, old, beautiful church right there. We didn’t go in, but I admired it from the outside.

We ate lunch at a street-side cafe. It was so fun to people-watch while we ate. We made many wise observations about culture and fashion.

The art collective was a lot smaller than I expected, and there was very little pottery. I couldn’t get my pots, but I did see some flower prints that I really liked. I didn’t get them at first, because of the price. But Lloyd helped me realize that I had almost that much cash left in euros, and I didn’t want to have any euros left, so I got the prints! Woo hoo! I love them!

The beach is really close to downtown Wexford, so that’s where we went next.

There was a bumblebee in the grass I had to take a picture of:

The beach was big and sandy. The water was cold, but there were still people swimming in it, or sitting on the beach. We walked along looking for shells.

The sky makes all those pictures look so dramatic! It was really quite peaceful.

We had a pizza party to enjoy our last night in Ireland together, and we watched more of our favorite BBC game show. It has been a wonderful group of people to spend this time with.

We fly back to the USA today. We won’t quite be in the air by the time this post goes live, but we will probably be in the air by the time my regular readers check in.

United #981
Depart Dublin 11:35am
Arrive Chicago 2:00pm

United #5413
Depart Chicago 7:50pm
Arrive Lincoln 9:33pm

1 Comment

  1. Carol

    Whew! Much adventure in ten days you had (channeling my inner Yoda today) – so happy that you all got to do this as a family. Safe journey home for everyone…and their lugage.

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