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Failure and Flowers

One of the things on my list for these days is getting my California driver’s license. Government bureaucracy is particularly difficult for me to navigate, and I knew I would need lots of time.

There is a DMV place really close to me. I did my application online, got my papers together, and went first thing in the morning.

The line was wrapped around the building!

I stayed anyway, because I was determined to get this done. It took about half an hour to get to the door. I spoke to the check-in person, because I was missing one thing I needed. I asked if I could do part of the process, and finish at another time. She said I could, so I got my number and sat.

And sat…

And sat…

Two hours later I got to the counter person. She said I needed the thing and could do nothing without it…. ARRGH! I was so mad! I wasted all that time! I didn’t get mad at her though. It was the check-in person that gave me bad info. And the counter person actually told me what I needed to do, so she was very helpful.

I was still frustrated, and decided to self-soothe by going to some garden centers.

My favorite place nearby is called Armstrong, and as it turns out, there are a bunch of locations all around town. I decided to go to one just north of the airport. On the way, I stopped at a small garden center in Hawthorne. Even though it wasn’t very big, I was excited to see they had a medusa’s head euphorbia. I had one of those in Maui! Cool! I got it.

I continued on down the road to Armstrong.

I got a bunch of annuals there, and more of my new favorite clay pots. I was so happy! It was a great way to forget about my bad morning.

I went home and planted them – the salvia “Victoria Blue” went in with the cucumbers,

and marigolds went in pots

After working in the garden, I tried out the new pool vacuum robot, and cooled off in the pool. The robot is the dark thing in the water over my shoulder.

When Hawaii sends me the document I need, I’ll have another go at the DMV. I hope it will work this time… I’m getting a LOT of plants in my back yard. Hehe….


  1. Lauren

    Oh. A document. I thought it was going to be a vial of blood.

    I am so sorry that was such a headache. My sister had a similar problem when she got her Minnesota license. They wound up going to a little town where it was supposed to be less congested, but they had their own snafus – a document in a locked car and absent keys. I’ll tell you about it sometime.

    Great pool and garden time, though!

  2. Peggy

    Ahhhhhh…….in the pool! How very nice!! You’re living the life, despite the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day at the DMV! You handled that much better than I would have.

  3. Carol

    You are a better soul than I – surely had I gone through that torment you would have seen me on the evening news, something like “Insane Old Woman Trows Tantrum at her Local DVM”. But using plants to soothe, then using the in ground pool – great decisions all around. Better fortune next visit, sir. I admire your patience.

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