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Pruning and Potting

I decided not to go to school yesterday. It was my last-last day of summer. I thought about going on a field trip of some kind, but I decided to stay home and do a project. My palm trees have been looking really raggedy lately, so I decided to cut off the dead leaves.

The leaves were pretty easy to cut off, but putting them in the “green waste” bin was a little challenging. They have really big thorns on them:

The trees do look better though. Here’s a before and after:

I also weeded the garden bed the trees are in. There are weeds here I don’t recognize. I should learn them all. The most interesting one I saw yesterday was lacy and delicate, and when I pulled it, it smelled like… kerosene? It was fascinating.

When I came inside, I repotted my orchids. They have actively growing roots now, so now’s the time, and I’m not sure what kind of energy I’ll have once school starts.

1 Comment

  1. Lauren

    Hey, trees – nice haircut! I never knew that palm trees had thorns. The orchids look spectacular in their new homes – and that bloom spike is going to surpass the window space!

    You had an incredibly productive day, and I hope you have an awesome first day of school!

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