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Dentist Day

I visited the dentist yesterday. It happened first thing in the morning. I missed school for it. I don’t remember the last time I missed a whole day of school. (Well, actually, yesterday was a half day for us, with meetings in the afternoon.)

The appointment went well. The periodontist and her assistant were both very pleasant. They answered my questions thoroughly and made me feel at ease. I got local anesthetic, and then the periodontist cut my gums open and scraped my bones. She then packed the bone decay areas with bone granules of some kind, and sewed my gums up. Then she pulled my two bottom front teeth, packed the sockets with bone granule- thingies, then sewed up the openings.

It didn’t hurt much at all. I’m still a little worried about everything, but no longer freaking out. I’ve gotten prescriptions for motrin and antibiotics and an antiseptic mouthwash. I see the orthodontist in 10 days, and she’ll tell me what’s next. They have to move my snaggle tooth into a better position before I can get an implant.

I did do a “before” and “after” picture of my bottom teeth, but they are kind of gross for public posting. Maybe after my gums heal I could show those…

On the drive home, I felt some bone granules in my mouth:

When I got home, I slept a lot. I did get hungry in the evening. I’m supposed to eat only soft foods for a week. Thankfully, I have a TON of gelled cranberry sauce.


  1. Carol

    Eating gelled cranberry daily would make every day like Thanksgiving in my book – that can’t be bad. I also recommend Jello, tapioca pudding, mashed potatoes, ice cream, yogurt…this list courtesy of my husband’s recent bout with pancreatitis, but I dgress.

    Blessings on the healing; praying all goes well…

  2. Lauren

    Bone granules?? I just did a quick Google search because that’s the first time I’ve heard of those. How fascinating!

    I have to say, even though I knew about your procedure, that second paragraph is …….. something. You are very brave.

    Also, hooray for the sauce! Carol has good suggestions, too.

    • Lauren

      Ok, I feel like a dummy because I knew the term ‘bone graft’ but didn’t realize that the granules were actually it. How cool!

      It took a while to find a video that actually showed what it going on. (The others just had all the instructions about how to not disturb the granules.) Let’s see if I can add a link without breaking your website.


  3. Peggy

    The public likes gross! Post! Post!

  4. Lloyd

    Pics or it didn’t happen.

  5. Elaine Royuk

    Whoo hoo! First step done!!!?

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