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Soft Food and Plant Pots

My dentist said I should eat soft foods for the next week, so when I went to my usual breakfast diner and ordered my usual breakfast, I skipped the bacon and hash browns, which are both kind of crunchy.

Later in the day, I went to a Mexican restaurant. My current favorite dish is tamales. I wasn’t disappointed. And it was soft 🙂

I went to a few shops yesterday. One of them was a Homegoods store. They have spring stuff out already, and that includes plant pots. Yay! I love pots!

I found some I liked. And they were so cheap!

And then I found myself in the neighborhood of another Homegoods store. They had the same pots, but even larger. But they weren’t as cheap. Ugh. Should I get them? I really liked them, but it was kind of a chunk of money.

Then I remembered… I had some Christmas cash from my mom. Yay! Thanks for the new pots, Mom!

The second ones are so big! I love them! Check out the comparison with my foot for scale:


  1. Elaine Royuk

    You’re welcome!

  2. Lauren

    Good grief! Those are enormous! They remind me of Parks and Rec when they are talking about soda size. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ish8NBunrQU

    Keep it up with the soft foods. I hear that keeps the granules in place. 😉

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