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Bedroom Betterment

Happy Birthday, Tara! Woo hoo!

One of my goals during my vacation week was to work on my bedroom. I did get some straightening done on Monday, but I also wanted to do some actual decorating.

I got some artwork in Ireland that I wanted to hang, but I needed frames. I found two carved-wood frames I liked, but had to search and search for the third one. It was frustrating, but challenging and delightful at the same time. I feel like internet searches are different than they used to be. So many of the results seem sponsored or something. Instead of seeing what I’m looking for, I’m seeing what Google or Amazon are paid to show me.

Anyway, I did eventually find the third frame, and I love it. It’s in the middle of the picture below. I had to find some acid-free paper to put behind the art, and then the framing was complete:

Since I like the frames so much, I was inspired to look for something to hang on the wall by my bed. There’s a chair rail all the way around the room that meant I had to find something narrow, but after another delightful internet search, I found it:

It looks too small in the picture, but in real life, it looks better. I maybe need fluffier pillows or something. The carving on the wood panel looks like the frames. I like it.

I’m not done with the room yet, but these first steps I think were the hardest. I can do the rest in bits an pieces.


  1. Carol

    Your frames are lovely (coming from a woman who used to do custom framing for 8 years between teaching “gigs”) and the fact that you could get a “headboard” that seems to match so well – if your own “teaching gig” ever goes south, I’d consider a career in interior design.
    Just my two Euros. 😉

  2. Lauren

    I agree with Carol – you have a good eye for these things! I really like that cat statue on your bed, too.

    Thank you for the link back to Ireland, too. I wasn’t on that trip, but it sure is fun to look back!

    Happy Birthday to Tara!

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