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Month: December 2008 (Page 4 of 7)

Plant Abuse

My computer room upstairs is in need of a re-do. It slowly has become a junk repository. Besides that, the decoration in that room is all kind of half done. Nothing is as it was meant to be.

I meant to do the room as sort of a “jungle room” or sun room. It was to have lots of plants and kind of tropical decor. A long time ago a friend of mine even painted a waterfall scene on the wall. But things never came together. And now there’s a bookshelf in front of the waterfall. And the plants have become neglected.

My worst plant abuse is on the wall of the room. I hung some wall-mounted pots and planted them with vines, thinking it would be a green, leafy, living wall. The vines never grew very fast and I got frustrated, so now they suffer from neglect. I don’t water them for long periods of time, then I feel guilty and water them again. I should just take them outside and put them out of their misery.

When the roof is fixed, I’ll spend some time cleaning up the room. The ceiling in that room is suffering the worst of the water damage. It just makes sense to wait.

The mummy man picture was supposed to be peeking out from the leaves.

A Good Day… A Glue Day

Yesterday was a good day. I started off the morning with our church’s annual Carol Service. The choir sang six pieces or so, and there was lots of Christmas carol singing. It was delightful. I also really like how the church is decorated from year to year. The evergreen garlands against the stone look really good to me.

'O come, all ye faithful...'

In the afternoon, I went to see “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. It was interesting, but there was a character that I really didn’t like. It was a disobedient little boy. He made me angry to distraction. We’re supposed to like him at the end, but I was still angry with him for being so disobedient earlier.

After the movie, I stopped in at Staples. I’m running out of glue because we’re sticking stars on our lockers at school. Three big bottles of glue were $9. A giant glue refill jug was $14. I got the giant one. It’s a gallon! Sheesh! Anybody need some glue?

How many horses had to die to make this?  (Do they really make glue from horses?)

Wish Fulfilled

My friend Mike Weider is in town. He used to teach at school with me, but moved away six years ago. After living in St. Louis for a while, he and his family moved to Indonesia. His school has sent him to a conference which just so happens to be in Baltimore. Awesome! I’ll use his visit as an opportunity to add and advertise a new link to their web page in the right-hand column. –>

Yesterday we got together. He needed to accomplish two things: 1) His wife gave him a list of items to get from Target. 2) He dearly wanted to eat a crab pretzel from Silver Spring Mining Company Restaurant.

The restaurant experience was all he expected it to be. I told him he could close his eyes while he chewed his first bites of pretzel. I always do that when I’m eating something really good. I think shutting out all visual input lets you focus on the flavor of the food better.

The trip to Target was fun. He had to get some toys for Christmas, some onesies for his large 18 month old, some dragonfly towels for the bathroom, and some sloppy joe seasoning packets. Between Target and a later stop at Walmart, we were successful on all counts, except the dragonfly towels. We didn’t see those anywhere.

While in the toy department, I saw a bizarre item: A Barbie Advent calendar. It actually said “Advent” on the package. It seemed strange to me. Were they really using a Christian liturgical term to sell a product? What’s next? Barbie’s Ash Wednesday beauty kit? Barbie’s Pentecost dress?

It had a different accessory behind each door.

Max Facts

Each year the eighth graders design a T-shirt they can all wear on certain days at school. I volunteered to take them through the design and ordering process this year. I haven’t done a very good job with it because it’s already December and they just voted on the design yesterday. Maybe they’ll get their shirts some time before they’re in college.

The company that prints the shirts for us each year is owned by the mom of a former student. She and I were emailing back and forth and she asked me about Max. I like talking about him, so I lifted a bunch of pictures off of Bradaptation and sent them to her along with explanations. She thought he was cute.

A couple days later, she asked if she could bring in a sample of what their shirts look like so I could show the kids the quality of the printing. She met me in the morning with this:

This is from a haircut post.

Max Facts

Yesterday I forgot to bring a shirt for wrestling practice, so I had to wear this one. Heh. I felt a little ridiculous.

Elf Help

Today is the day we give a bigger gift to wind up our Secret Santa celebration. The person I’ve been slipping gifts to is Principal Monique. I’ve been glad for a little help in the form of a questionnaire everyone fills out. It’s called an Elf Help Sheet.

Monique’s food favorites confused me a little. It said something about small cakes with frosting or something. It sounded too complicated. She specifically requested not to be given candy. That gave me a challenge. But she likes pink and green and and she likes candles. And pigs. And socks. I was hoping to find pink and green socks with pictures of pigs holding candles, but had no luck.

I found a pink poinsettia, which was just the ticket. I also had the tiniest pig in the world because it came free in a box of bandages Lloyd and Lauren gave to me. I rounded off the week with pink and green Post-It notes and feathery gel pens.

Today, I think I’ve done well. I went to TJ Maxx to look for socks. I hit the motherlode.

A pink basket too!

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