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Category: Journal (Page 5 of 864)

Plodding Progress

Well, after one day of vacation, I have to say it’s stressing me out, because I have a list of things I want to do on these days off, and I’m afraid I’m just going to be lazy and waste all this time. I usually only get one day off per week. This is a bunch of them in a row! I should be able to do a whole bunch of things!

Yesterday, I worked on my bedroom. I had previously painted it, but it’s been in disarray since then. I want to get it straightened out, and then actually hang things on the walls and stuff. I could have a room that’s completely finished! None of the rooms in my house are like that.

I didn’t finish. Each thing I tried to do led to a myriad of smaller jobs. For instance, I had a stack of sheets that needed a spot. I decided to put them in a hallway closet that is the obvious location for linens, but there wasn’t room for them because I have so many towels. I decided to sort the towels. They went into three stacks: bathroom, kitchen, and “get rid of”. Then I had to find a spot for the kitchen towels, because they obviously should be in the kitchen, not the hallway. Then I had to agonize over the “get rid of” pile, because why would I get rid of something that is useful, even though I have 47 hand towels and only need probably four. Sheesh!

Anyway, I did make some progress. Most notably, I got rid of a stack of sheets, I moved the bedside table to the other side of the bed, and I thinned out how many plant pots were on the cabinet by the window. I guess something is better than nothing…

Easter Tie

Happy Easter! He is risen! He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

I went looking for an Easter tie yesterday, and was dismayed to find out that ties are made kind of narrow these days. I think narrow ties make my belly look bigger. I don’t care for them at all. I looked in various stores at the mall, but it was all the same… thin. And expensive. Yikes! The cheapest tie I saw was $34. Why are ties so expensive? They’re just a small strip of fabric!

Anyway, I decided to checkout Goodwill. It payed off! I found a bright yellow tie. It wasn’t too thin, and it was $4. Nice!

I got the other tie too, because it was nice. It’s not as Easter-y, but it’ll be a good one for times I need a nice tie.

Tray Day

I got my first Invisalign trays yesterday!

They had to put some anchors on my teeth, and then they snapped the trays in. I will wear this first set of trays for two weeks, then switch to a second set, and a third set. This will continue for two years, and then my teeth will be positioned and ready for an implant.

They are clear, and mostly not visible I think. But they are shiny, so you can see them if you look

I feel their pressure on my teeth, but it doesn’t hurt.

I’m supposed to take them out when I eat or when I drink anything besides water. They gave me a fancy welcome kit that included a special case to store the trays when I take them out.

I also got Bruno a new scratch box from the Petsmart next to the orthodontist. He liked it.

Clever Clock

Beth sent me a clock!

It’s Superman! And it’s made out of a record? It’s so weird and interesting! I like it! She said she got it at a school auction.

My classroom clock has been malfunctioning, but I don’t think I’ll use it there. It’s too fancy. My students have a hard enough time reading a regular clock.

Bee Moving Day

Yesterday, a professional came to remove the honey bee colony in my walls. It was fascinating. He looked at the colony entrance outside, but then came inside and did all his work there.

He used a thermal imaging camera to find where the bees were, and then cut a hole in the inside wall of my house. It was higher up than I thought:

The colony was young, so it wasn’t very big – only two combs about a foot square each.

The technician used a vacuum to suck up the bees:

After the initial vacuuming, things got serious, and he took off the hat.

The bees didn’t attack him at all. They trusted him.

After the bees were all safely in the vacuum box, he scraped out the rest of the wax from the wall, then sealed it up:

He also plugged the hole outside:

During the day, I had a long phone conversation with someone from the company and asked him what they did with the bees they rescued. He said there were various ways the bees were taken care of. He said mine would probably go to a big bee-keeping operation near San Diego that uses their bees to help pollinate agricultural crops.

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